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Cheap Skiplagging Flight Deals
What is skiplagging?
Skiplagging is a type of flight deal, also known as a hidden-city ticket, where you plan to get off at the layover city rather than the final, ticketed destination. Typically, airlines charge more for direct flights and less for flights with stops. When you see a flight marked as a "Skiplagged Rate", that means this itinerary will continue on to another destination, but you will get off at the layover stop. The average savings for a hidden-city flight is $128.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What airports are near Nairobi, Kenya?
The closest airports to Nairobi, Kenya are Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO), Wilson Airport (WIL), and Moi International Airport (MBA).
Which airlines fly to Nairobi, Kenya?
The airlines that fly to Nairobi, Kenya are Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, KLM, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, British Airways, Air France, Lufthansa, and Air India.
What are the top tourist attractions in Nairobi, Kenya?
1. Nairobi National Park 2. Giraffe Centre 3. David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust 4. Karen Blixen Museum 5. Bomas of Kenya 6. Nairobi National Museum 7. Nairobi Safari Walk 8. Maasai Market 9. Uhuru Gardens 10. Kibera Slum Tour
How do I get to Nairobi, Kenya from the airport?
The most convenient way to get to Nairobi from the airport is by taxi. There are several taxi companies that offer services from the airport to the city. You can also take a bus or a shuttle service from the airport to the city.
How do I get to the airport from Nairobi, Kenya?
The most convenient way to get to the airport from Nairobi is by taxi. You can book a taxi from your hotel or from one of the many taxi companies in the city. Alternatively, you can take a bus from the city center to the airport. The bus takes about an hour and a half and costs around KES 300.
What is the weather like in Nairobi, Kenya?
The weather in Nairobi, Kenya is typically warm and sunny year-round, with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit (18-30 Celsius). The city experiences two rainy seasons, from March to May and October to December.
What are the best outdoor activities to do in Nairobi, Kenya?
1. Visit the Nairobi National Park: This is the only national park located within a major city and is home to a variety of wildlife, including lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, and more. 2. Go on a Safari: Nairobi is the gateway to some of the best safari experiences in Africa. You can take a day trip to the nearby Masai Mara National Reserve or Amboseli National Park to spot the Big Five. 3. Take a Hike: There are plenty of hiking trails in and around Nairobi, including the Ngong Hills, Karura Forest, and the Aberdare National Park. 4. Visit the Giraffe Centre: This is a great place to get up close and personal with giraffes. You can even feed them from a raised platform. 5. Go Bird Watching: Nairobi is home to over 500 species of birds, making it a great spot for bird watching. 6. Visit the Karen Blixen Museum: This museum is located in the former home of the author of Out of Africa and is a great place to learn about the history of the area. 7. Take a Hot Air
What are the best cultural activities to do in Nairobi, Kenya?
1. Visit the Nairobi National Museum: This museum is a great place to learn about the history and culture of Kenya. 2. Attend a Maasai Market: The Maasai Market is a great place to buy traditional crafts and souvenirs. 3. Visit the Giraffe Centre: This centre is home to endangered Rothschild giraffes and offers visitors the chance to feed and interact with them. 4. Take a Safari: A safari is a great way to experience the wildlife and nature of Kenya. 5. Visit the Karen Blixen Museum: This museum is dedicated to the life and work of the author of Out of Africa. 6. Attend a Traditional Dance Performance: Traditional dance performances are a great way to experience the culture of Kenya. 7. Visit the Nairobi National Park: This park is home to a variety of wildlife and offers visitors the chance to go on game drives. 8. Visit the Bomas of Kenya: This cultural village is a great place to learn about the different tribes of Kenya. 9. Visit the Kazuri Beads Factory: This factory produces handmade beads and jewelry and offers visitors the chance to learn about the process.
What are the best neighborhoods to stay in Nairobi, Kenya?
1. Karen: Located in the south of Nairobi, Karen is a popular residential area known for its lush green spaces and peaceful atmosphere. 2. Westlands: Westlands is a vibrant neighborhood in the heart of Nairobi, known for its lively nightlife and shopping scene. 3. Lavington: Lavington is a well-to-do neighborhood in the north of Nairobi, known for its leafy streets and upscale restaurants. 4. Kilimani: Kilimani is a popular residential area in the east of Nairobi, known for its trendy cafes and bars. 5. Kileleshwa: Kileleshwa is a residential area in the west of Nairobi, known for its tree-lined streets and peaceful atmosphere.
What are the best transportation options in Nairobi, Kenya?
1. Matatu: Matatus are the most popular form of public transportation in Nairobi. They are minibuses that run on fixed routes and are relatively inexpensive. 2. Taxis: Taxis are a convenient and relatively safe way to get around Nairobi. They are available for hire at taxi stands or can be hailed on the street. 3. Boda-boda: Boda-bodas are motorcycle taxis that are a popular and affordable way to get around Nairobi. 4. Bus: The Nairobi Bus Service (NBS) operates a network of buses that cover most of the city. 5. Train: The Nairobi Commuter Rail System (NCRS) is a reliable and affordable way to get around the city.
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